IT Health Check


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    Are backups performed frequently, and you receive a report showing success?

    Is your cloud data (OneDrive, Dropbox) backed up?

    Is your email filtered for incoming malicious content?

    Do you have Cyber Insurance in place?

    Is a secure password manager in use?

    Is network infrastructure hardware regularly maintained and upgraded?

    Is access to cloud services controlled and authenticated to prevent unauthorized usage?

    Are measures in place to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data?

    Are software patches and updates managed to ensure systems are protected against known vulnerabilities?

    Is your Google or 365 administrator a non, regular user?

    Do you save passwords in your browsers?


    Your business is running the risk of major impact should your IT systems fail.


    AT RISK!
    Your business could benefit from a comprehensive audit to identify and remedy key areas of risk.


    Looks like you have a good selection of disaster prevention procedures in place! Maybe a visit from one of our experienced consultants could help you fill in the gaps.


    Congratulations, you seem to be doing a great job of managing your IT systems and protecting your critical business data!

    Thanks for completing our IT Health Check.
    If you would like one of our consultants to contact you about your rating, please click PROCEED and fill out the form.

    Thanks for taking our IT Health check.

    We will not contact you in any way for sales or marketing purposes
    unless you request us to do so via the form at the end of the health check.